Thursday 27 September 2012

Random Rant- Why I hate Pacey Witter

I think from the moment he was introduced I disliked the character but looking back at the first season I think the storyline of Pacey seeing his teacher Mrs Jacobs was also a factor of my dislike. Usually I don't care about student teacher romances, I may roll my eyes at the idea but when this one was developiing this was impossible as it was so terrible. First of all can someone please explain to me how Mrs Jacobs even entertained let alone went through with a fling or as she says more than a fling with Pacey. The storyline made no sense how a successful teacher would pursue a relationship with a 16 year old boy that offers neither looks or intelligence. Looks wise Pacey was rocking a Caesar style hair cut, chubby cheeks and a look that only reminds me of Oscar the Grouch.
Compounding from this is the fact that Pacey is the biggest slacker in Capeside and I find it hard to believe that he could even follow and participate in a conversation with Tamara. So tell me this what does he offer. The following season actually had Pacey paired with Andie who made Pacey 100000000x more bearable and showed that Pacey may in fact have some good qualities. Through her mental health issues he stood by her and even waited for her return which is commendable. However, Pacey was soon to be a complete and terrible waste of a character. Between his constant moaning that he was Joey's second choice and skulking aroound his best friends back. Not only this but the attitude that Pacey had to school and his need to blame others and their happiness shows the type of character he is.
This behaviour got tiresome quickly and was obviously a key part of his character as it emerged again while he was with Audrey and her ex boyfriend came back. Not to mention the way he made and tried to control Joey's relationship with Dawson over and over which should have been an indication of his behaviour. A lot of people complain about the whiny character of Dawson Leery but I think it is fair to say at least he accepted Joey being with Pacey and didn't try to control who she sees. The only thing Dawson really did was freeze out Pacey who had gone behind his back and stolen his soulmate. Back on topic I do not know how anyone can condone or defend the behaviour of Pacey, with most conceding that his prom meltdown was a low point. That had to be the best episode of Dawson's Creek because seeing the rantings of a loon will forever make me smile and proved just that, that Pacey is a loon who degraded and embarrassed Joey in front of eveyone. Not only this but the disaster after disaster that led to his blowout is also funny to watch.
The last thing I will address now is the annoyance that slacker Pacey who is now 18 gets to become an apprentice chef. What infuriates me later is that he becomes interim manager when he has no experience before finally being able to get his own about unbelievable. I could never ever buy Pacey as a chef and holding a job especially with the way he acted at work when he began, refusing to even look into wearing a hair net which is in place for hygiene and again when Civilisation was taken over and he had to be the one to speak up before he even knew what was happening. Anyway there are more reasons I could go on about the lameness of Pacey Witter but I'm cutting it short befoe I run out of blog room.

1 comment:

  1. I sort of like Pacey but I can't argue with your analysis. Pacey was pretty good with Andie and helped her, but she really put a backbone into him.

    Even with Andie he dumped on her a few times

    1. By dancing with Christy Livingstone after refusing to dance with Andie

    2. Using her to go to the prom so he could spy on Joey and Dawson and telling her it would be an honour to take her. Then ditching her to dance with Joey.

    I realize that Andie cheating was a ploy by the writers to make Pacey and Joey believable, but the way he jumped on a mentally fragile girl and then told her that he guessed he didn't love her enough, because if he did she wouldn't have slipped into her mental state. (Give me a break. that is pretty arrogant)
